Monday, February 15, 2010

7 ways to make sure you never miss a workout.

Most weeks can be a blur of working long work hours, household tasks, responsibilities, time with family and sleeping. Finding the time for exercise can be tough, yet the busiest people will never miss a workout.

The key is to make your workout time work for you. Below are some key strategies that work for even the busiest person.

1. Communicate with others what you are going to do – Sharing what exercise you want to do with others will get you fuelled with energy and enthusiasm and out of your slump. Share with the people that you see every day (your family, friends, close work colleagues) all the details of the activity (when you will go, duration, what you will wear, how you will feel when you are finished etc) Nothing stimulates you more to get into action than your integrity which is doing what you say you will do.

2. Keep your workouts fun or interesting. The best exercise to do is the one you enjoy doing. Exercise that you don’t enjoy is a killer. If there is one sure way to be turned off regular exercise, it would be that you are not looking to make the experience enjoyable. Plug in a set of headphones the next time you jump on the treadmill and watch your favourite TV shows or sporting action, or listen to your favourite music while out walking. Keep it fun so you can count on coming back for more. Can’t find regular activity you like? Be patient; if you are having difficulty choosing or sticking to an activity. It may take quite a few tries before you feel like something clicks.

3. Schedule daily exercise in your calendar/diary. ‘Not enough time,’ ‘too busy’ and ‘can’t afford it’ are all just forms of a sickness called Excuse-i-tis. Establish a regular schedule for physical activity. Be active while watching TV. Ride a stationary bike, walk on the treadmill, step up and down on a step/bench, use some dumbbells, or do some stretching during your favourite TV shows...just get up and get moving more often!

4. Focus quality rather than quantity. You don’t need to work out for a long period of time to get the results you need. Be realistic about what you actually want to achieve for your fitness and seek out professional guidance to give you some pointers in the right direction. There is an old saying in the fitness industry “You can work hard and you can work long...but you can’t do both!”
5. Wake up 30 minutes earlier. Take a brisk walk around your neighbourhood. Research has shown that people who start off their day with exercise are more likely to stick with it.

6. Get Social. Sign up at a dance club, hiking group, bowling league, or golf association and get active while meeting other people.

7. Invest in your health. Making a financial commitment to a Personal Trainer, company fitness classes, fitness gym or local sporting organization may be all the incentive you need. Get in a session before work. The bulk of people find they are best to go straight from work before going home to avoid procrastination.

Written by Chris Bakens

Monday, February 8, 2010

20 minute workout for quick results

Looking for a quick workout that will burn fat, tone the whole body and get you maximum results in minimum time?

This 20 minute workout is based on pyramid style training where you have moments of time of increasing your intensity levels rather than just working at the same moderate level throughout.

Most people make the mistake of training at the same pace week in week out and wonder why they don’t get the results they are looking for. Research shows that pyramid style sessions will force the body to adapt to a new fitness level and raise your metabolism for up to 24 hours afterwards. It will also reduce your risk of diabetes and heart disease, and lower your cholesterol levels.

This plan is based on running because it is one of the best cardio workouts you can do. One of the most excellent things about running is that it can be done anywhere in the world at almost any time of day. Not only will it burn a maximum amount of calories in a short period of time but it is also a good time to clear the head of any stress and give you time to think.

You will only need to perform this 20 minute workout 3 times per week. The other 4 days of the week can be made up of 1 rest/recovery day and 3 days with weights in the gym (these sessions can be 20 minutes also)

You will need to monitor how hard you are training throughout the 20 minutes. You could use a heart rate monitor or you could have someone driving next to you in their car monitoring your speed but, one of the easiest ways is to measure your intensity is how you are feeling. This type of measure is called ‘perceived exertion.’

To work out your rate of ‘perceived exertion’... use the intensity guide below.

Your perceived exertion

Perceived exertion intensity 1/10= Resting with normal breathing
Perceived exertion intensity 2/10 =Sitting /working at your desk with normal breathing
Perceived exertion intensity 3/10 = Minimal activity with comfortable breathing
Perceived exertion intensity level 4/10 = activity and heart rate up with deeper sustainable breathing
Perceived exertion intensity level 5/10 = Fairly hard work out, Sweating, Deeper steady breathing.
Perceived exertion intensity level 6/10 = Hard to hold a conversation with too many words. Breathing getting heavier.
Perceived exertion intensity level 7/10 = Very hard, Talking fewer words. Breathing faster and harder.
Perceived exertion intensity level 8/10 = Challenging intensity. Breathing very deep and hard.
Perceived exertion intensity level 9/10 & 10/10 = You cannot go any faster or harder and cannot speak. Breathing is extremely laboured.
The speed at which you complete a workout depends on your fitness level. This workout is suitable for a beginner as well as an elite athlete. If you need to substitute some running for power walking then please do so.

Your warm up:

Start with 3 -5 minutes of walking/power walking

Your workout:

Perform 2 minutes of exercise at a level 4/10.
Increase the pace to a 5/10 for 2 minutes duration.
Now take it up a notch to a 6/10 for 2 minutes duration.
Gradually increase speed to a 7/10 for 2 minute duration.
Boost it now to a hard effort of 8/10 for 2 minutes duration.
Absolute hardest effort of 9/10 for 2 minutes duration.
Bring the effort back slightly to an 8/10 for 2 minutes duration
Gradually decrease to a 7/10 for 2 minutes duration.
Take it down to a 6/10 for 2 minutes duration.
Now bring it back to the beginning intensity of 5/10 for 2 minutes duration.

Your cool down:

Perform 5 minutes of walking/active recovery session before stretching.

Monday, February 1, 2010

11 secrets to weight-loss results

Weight loss success is not inherited by a secret society of Personal Trainers. It is available for everyone to take advantage of. Obesity is an overwhelming phenomenon over the past 2 decades that has very real consequences to our quality of life, our loved ones, and our health system.
Challenges with weight loss are a passion driven subject that I have been researching, living, learning and confronted by for over 20 years now. By reading this article now, you may be wondering if there is one secret that you are missing out on that would make a difference to the shape you are in.
Now is the best time to build your best physical condition and design your ideal healthy life. To gain success over your weight, you must be able to see the opportunity that lies beneath the FAT that is your life.
So, if you are ready to get started on a healthier you, then I have prepared 11 strategies and insights into how you can apply them into your life right now. Even if you just pick up one useful tactic, you will be on your way to better managing a healthier life for yourself.
1. There are 3 pivotal questions to ask yourself if you truly want to succeed. Unless you respond to them with a big YES, you will not achieve anything. They are 1. Do you deserve to succeed? 2. Do you believe you can succeed? 3. Do you honestly want to succeed?
2. Take a minute to sum up what your personal definition is of Weight loss success. You will find it hard to succeed if you are not clear on what you are aiming for. It is no good to want the fitness and discipline of an ironman, Olympian or a TV celebrity, because we all have our own needs and values and our own definitions of success. It is not about comparing yourself to other people. It is about what you can do.
3. Your old habits are deeply entrenched inside you because of the time you’ve spent repeating them. The best way to get rid of old habits is to replace them with new ones. Negative beliefs, low expectations, fears, and doubts are what stop you from believing what you want is possible.
4. Most people put the weight back on after losing it because they were on a diet and not transforming their lifestyle. When they have reached their goal, they stop training for it.
5. Life happens, in your exercise and daily nourishment there will always be challenges to the status quo: Parties with friends and family, office get-togethers, holidays, changes to personal life and career etc. Just keep your spotlight on what you can control and avoid using energy on what issues that you cannot. Focus on health and daily exercise and eat for nourishment and not for stress or boredom. The only time food will solve a problem in your life is when you are genuinely hungry.
6. You can create a healthy lifestyle in just 3 seconds. That’s the time it takes for you to make a decision that you will have a healthier life. Everything else is just execution.
7. Good time management is a key component to weight loss success, and poor time management is one of the major reasons for failure. Most people have the incentive, opportunities, and ability, but they just waste too much time on things that are immaterial.
8. Most people could write down 100 things that they want to get done every day. Rather than write a ‘To Do ‘list. Decide what are YOUR 5 most important things that must get done that day that will bring the most significant impact and progress to living a life that is powerful and living a life you love, and do them first.
9. Don’t blame others or your situation or for you not being in action. This is your personal battle and unless you are responsible for it, you will not succeed.
10. We all know that crash diets don’t work, so stop lying to yourself and get honest about taking control of your weight and your life. Don’t get tied to the numbers on the scale. I bet if the scale said 200 kgs and you still fir into those skinny jeans, you would not care.
11. Your ultimate health has 3 major objectives. It is a vehicle for you to learn about yourself, it allows you to make a contribution to yourself and your life and it provides you with the resources to have an interesting and full life.

It’s your wellbeing, it’s your reality, and it’s your choice. You have the strength to do what you want, when you want it.
