Wednesday, April 15, 2009

11 Reasons NOT to Start an Exercise Program - And great solutions to get you started

1. I don’t want to miss my favourite TV shows.
Solution: We all love our favourite TV shows. So the simple solution is to tape it while you are out exercising (or download from the net) and watch in a more convenient time (This way you can fast forward past the commercials). You can watch your favourite TV show while pounding the treadmill at the gym. Most gyms have headsets that you can listen and watch TV while you exercise. You can set up your exercise routine or treadmill at home to do while watching your favourite show at home.
2. But it’s raining
Solution: This is a perfect time to do a home workout. A basic home workout can utilize just a few basic items like dumbbells and resistance bands or pantry items like tins of baked beans and a bag of rice. If you are stuck in a hotel room you can spice up your usual workout routine with walking or running up and down stairs in the fire escape.
3. I have no time
Solution: Look at daily activities as an opportunity to exercise. Combine things that you do anyway with your training. Set up meetings while you take a walk. Exercise outdoors while spending time with your loved ones. Take a group exercise class at your gym while looking for a date.
4. I need my sleep
Solution: Improved sleeping patterns are almost guaranteed when starting an exercise program. Scheduling your exercise as a priority in your day assures your productivity with everything that you do. As a result of being more productive, you have accomplished more in your day, being more satisfied.
5. I don’t have the energy
Solution: The first thing you have to look at when you don’t have enough energy is what you eat. When you don’t have enough of the right fuel in your body you get tired. Having enough to eat means consuming lots of good nutritious food. You wouldn’t feed a Ferrari cheap fuel and still expect it to perform would you?
6. I don’t like going to the gym by myself
Solution: It’s all too easy to blame others if we have not been serious about our training. If you make going to the gym a routine, you will meet others who go at the same time as you do.

7. I don’t know how to work those tricky machines
Solution: Starting on any new gadget can be daunting. I recommend asking for assistance to get you started. Most machines have a basic setting. Make it a point to learn 1 new machine per week to broaden your awareness and interest in what you are doing.
8. I need to stay home and be with the kids
Solution: Find a gym with a crèche to use while you and your partner exercise. Answer 2. Go through the weekly calendar with your partner and take turns on which days you will exercise and which days you will spend time with the kids.
9. When I lose weight, then I will start exercising
Solution: Most people feel a little self conscious about being seen less than perfect when they first start exercising. What will others say when they discover all my hidden lumps and bumps in my shorts and t-shirt? What will they think if they see I am not as fit as I pretend to be? These barriers are what stop you from getting started in the first place. Just make a start and stop with the barriers.
10. I don’t have any exercise clothes
Solution: Don’t get caught up in the hype of wearing the latest sports logo to start an exercise regime. As long as what you are wearing is comfortable (including chafing or irritation) and you can move in it you have no excuse not to exercise. It is worth investing in clothes and shoes that support your body for the type of exercise you are doing. Wearing good supportive shoes for running activities, a supportive bra (for women), and clothing that protects you from the elements is essential for comfort.
11. I don’t want to spend $$ on a gym membership
Solution: Don’t. Who says you need a gym membership to get fit? Take up walking, running or bike riding. If you want to join a gym, then ask for a trial month or negotiate fees.

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