Monday, June 1, 2009

Raising a Fit Kid! How to get your kids to get moving and have FUN!

When most adults think about starting an exercise program, they imagine joining a gym. But for a child it is an opportunity for playing and being physically active. Kids exercise when they are playing tag with their friends, riding their bike or running around at first and second break at school.
The percentage of children who are overweight has more than doubled over the last 30 years. Kids are becoming more sedentary with the average child watching 3 hours of television and 5 1/2 hours on all media combined.
A child who is active will have...
• Stronger muscles and bones
• Have a leaner body because exercise helps control body fat
• Be less likely to be overweight
• Decrease the risk of developing type 2 Diabetes
• Have a better outlook on life
So how much exercise should your child be getting?
• For a child that is school aged, it should be 60 minutes or more per day. It can be broken up into 10 - 15 minute intervals.
• A pre-schooler should have 60 minutes planned physical activity and 60 minutes unstructured physical activity.
• These guidelines are the current recommendations for children according to the American Association for sport and Physical Activity.
Some tips to help you get your kids active
• Work with your child to find something that they like doing.
• If your child is interested in an activity that is not provided at their school; talk to the school principal about starting up a new team.
• Be patient if your child has difficulty choosing or sticking to an activity. It may take several tries before a child feels like something clicks.
• Support your child in their active habits. You will be glad that you did because those active habits can last a lifetime.
• Encourage them to work on a variety of exercises so they can work on the 3 elements of exercise. Endurance, strength, and flexibility.
• Establish a regular schedule for physical activity.
• Keep it fun, so you can count on the child to come back for more.
• Combining regular physical activity with a healthy diet is the key to a healthier lifestyle. By making changes yourself towards being a positive role model for your family.

1 comment:

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