Monday, August 10, 2009

The number one weight loss TV show ever!!

Do you want to be more in control around food? Eat what you want and still lose weight. There is a new weight loss show on TV called “I can make you thin “(dodgy name I know), but since it is involving weight loss, I thought I should take a look.
What was a pleasant surprise is that this is NOT ABOUT DIETING!!
There is no nutritional information in this show. It is all about how you relate to food. Most people put on more weight when they go on the diet. I have been involved in this industry for well over 20 years and so have seen diets come and go. But this is different.
The host Paul McKenna says that it is not your fault you are is the fault of your internal computer. You see, Paul is a PH.D who has helped thousands of people lose weight, quit smoking and eliminate stress and also happens to be Britain’s number 1 best selling non-fiction author.
Pauls 4 basic rules are...
1. Eat when you are hungry
2. Eat what you want
3. Eat consciously
4. When you think you are full...STOP!

1. Eat when you are hungry – when you feel like a particular food at a particular it.

2. Eat what you want. - Not what you think you should. Throw out the foods in your fridge and pantry that do not inspire you. Make a list of the foods you love and eat only those. Honestly who gets motivated by foods that they hate or think they have to eat?

3. Eat consciously. – eat slowly. Savour every mouthful. Chew well. He also says you should put your knife and fork down between mouthfuls. (Or sit on your hands if you have to) Think about the food you are eating and nothing else. Chew each mouthful about 20 times. He says you must imagine you are like the French (like a gourmets with food). Most of us eat fast (like scoffing your food down while watching TV, phone, reading etc) Paul claims we rely on our eyes to tell us when to stop and not our stomachs to tell us when to stop eating. In a bold experiment Paul did in an American Diner with breakfast all subjects (6 in total) ate everything on their plate. The following day they had the identical food on their plate (but now they were blind-folded) and it was found they ate significantly less. The experiment found that we rely on our eyes to eat, and eat so fast that we override the signal to our stomachs that tell us to stop.

4. When you think you are full....STOP. Sounds simple enough, right? Give it a go.

Brilliant!! I love it.
“I can make you Thin” is currently airing Fridays at 2pm on channel 7 Brisbane
To find have a look at some success stories go to

Chris Bakens
Performance Coach
Healthy Executives

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