Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Procrastinating about exercise I don’t have time to exercise-have you heard that one before?

Do you find yourself with not enough hours in the day?
Has time ever been an excuse for not getting out and exercising?
You really do want to exercise however, with project deadlines to meet, a stack of emails to get to, the boss breathing down your neck, it is just not possible right?

Let’s look at this from another angle. Do you really think that our Prime Minister or Oprah Winfrey have more hours in their day than you do? Yet, they still find the time to exercise. You do not have to complete a time management course to be able to fit exercise into your day.

You may have heard the saying “Anything is better than nothing,” well this old saying is quite true. The world health organization has pointed out that everyone should exercise for at least 30 minutes every day. But here is the good news…aim to break up your exercise into more manageable chunks. Go for 2 lots of 15 minutes, or 3 lots of 10 minutes or even 6 lots of 5 minutes, whatever works for you. This could include taking a walk at lunchtime, running on the spot at your desk, or even run up and down the office stairs (remember the antiperspirant), or even set the alarm 20 minutes earlier in the morning to participate in an exercise DVD.

The good news is that if you are huffing and puffing then your heart and lungs are getting some action and this is great news.
Think about how many extra kilojoules that you could burn off in a month. So think a little more closely before saying those few nasty words “I just didn’t get the time”

Move a lot, move a little…just do something!!!

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