Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tips for sticking to your fitness program

There are 4 critical factors to adhering to an exercise program. They are:

1. Results:
Achieving positive results can be one of the most important factors for many individuals to adhere to an exercise program. Common sense says you are more likely to continue expending the time and energy if your efforts produce desired and meaningful results.
2. Time:
You don’t have to endure a marathon workout to experience the results. Some individuals prefer to do time effective exercise which will allow them time to enjoy other interests
3. Boredom:
Boredom can have a big impact on exercise commitment. Most people will prefer to participate in an exercise program if it is an enjoyable experience. You will notice how all of the high tech features on exercise equipment is designed to engage the exerciser so that they disassociate from the fatigue and physical effort.
4. Injuries:
The old saying of “No pain – No gain is what prevents some people from stepping out of their comfort zone who think that they may get hurt.
Other tips for adhering to an exercise program:

Establish the fundamental purpose to exercise. What do you want to gain from your exercise program?

Highlight short-term goals. Goal setting should be viewed much like climbing a ladder, with importance placed on realistic distances between rungs.

Decrease chance of injury: Minimize injury/complications by not doing too much, too soon. Often novice exercisers who increase their activity dosage too soon become discouraged, especially if they start feeling sore or become injured.

Make a group commitment: There is only one thing stronger than having individual commitment and that is when it is made by a group. The support and encouragement within the group can provide everyone with the incentive to continue exercising during times of declining interest.

Highlight fun and variety: The same exercise programs done everyday can become monotonous and boring which can then lead to making excuses not to train at all. By doing what you enjoy doing and having variety, you are more likely to adhere to an exercise program.

Communicate with the people in your life: The support and encouragement of family, friends, significant other, and work colleagues with whom you interact regularly can help play an important role in a successful result.

Keep an exercise diary: A daily progress chart that allows you to record daily nutritional and exercise achievements can help you see the steady improvement that has been made.

Schedule a regular time to exercise: Planning a workout at the same time everyday will establish a habit.

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